Thursday, February 07, 2008

Where's the blogroll?

The rest of what was the blogroll has gone missing. I was in the process of upgrading, and much of it got cleaned out. I've recreated some of it from Yahoo Site Explorer, which does a nice job of showing top links to a site. If your site was previously listed, drop me a note, and I'll add it back in.
I am curious to see what will happen to rankings. Back in 2007, I had done about 20 link trades... There had been a bit more traffic, a better Technorati ranking, and a slight move up in what was the original goal, ranking for "Josh Greene". Currently, #3 in Google, but I've moved up to #1 in Yahoo, sometime in the last two months.


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Trading blogroll links

I'll post more about this tommorrow; but I've been noticing an uptick in traffic to the blog lately, and the main referrers seem to be from blogrolls I've been added to. Nice to see the traffic coming through.

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